Relationship-based, customised business degree education since 2006
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Globe Business College Munich

An Individual Experience

Globe Business College Munich was founded in 2006 to create a unique educational experience for a niche group of students: the sons and daughters of Mittelstand or family company owners around the world. Our students graduate with an accredited business degree. However, the real value is our exchange process. We constantly challenge them to stretch and move beyond their comfort zones. Our faculty work with our students on skills like consistency, and becoming more structured and focused. Our educational philosophy makes them think on their feet, look at the bigger picture, develop empathy, be dynamic, communicate in real-time and take effective decisions.

The Golden Ticket Weekend

The key elements of the Globe Business College educational model have been distilled into a weekend process. Schoolgoers (interested in business or not) can experience our unique and customised approach firsthand. The weekend is truly an unforgettable experience for anyone who wants to test their life skills or develop them in a growth-oriented environment.

Student Testimonials

Theory into Practice

Parents and members of our relationship network actively swap their sons or daughters into each other’s companies for work placements, internships, and jobs upon graduation. Students who study at Globe Business College Munich obtain high-level experience throughout their degree studies and are mentored directly by the owners of the companies they experience. 

Read More About Our Story

A one-size-fits-all approach with the aim of making education convenient, accessible and appealing may become the norm. But that does not mean it should be the only option.

VDU Winter edition 2020/2021 features an article by Dr Susan Walsh

Dr. Susan Walsh discusses the importance of an individual and unique approach to education. (PDF Page 31)

Dr Susan Walsh, founder of Globe Business College Munich, speaks about the value of Germany's tax system in The Irish Times

In an article published in the Irish Times, Dr. Susan Walsh explains how she decided to set up her own business school that combines both the Irish and German approaches to education.